Public Exhibition - 40km/h Maitland Street Narrabri
Consultation has concluded
Narrabri Shire Council is seeking community feedback on a proposal to introduce a 40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area (HPAA) along part of Maitland Street, Narrabri (from the intersection of Kilarney Street to the intersection of Bowen Street).
Parts of Maitland Street Narrabri have considerable high pedestrian movements throughout the day. A HPAA will improve pedestrian safety with the implementation of a 40km/h speed limit along this section. A 50km/h speed limit sign will be posted to inform exit from the HPAA at the intersection of Kilarney Street to the intersection of Bowen Street.
Why 40km/h?
The community raised concerns about speeding vehicles and requested the introduction of a 40km/h area speed limit along Maitland Street, Narrabri. Speed is a major factor contributing to road accidents. Lowering the speed limit can reduce the number and severity of crashes. Lower speeds give all road users more time to react to avoid a collision. If a crash does occur, lower speeds reduce the severity of an injury or death to pedestrians and bike riders. Lower speed limits are proven to have an immediate impact on crashes. They also create a better environment for residents and encourage more people to walk and ride. When people feel safer on local streets, they are more likely to spend more time on the street.
Managing speed, in accordance with safe system principles, is a key component in managing pedestrian safety. Research and scientific analysis show that a pedestrian hit by a car travelling at 40 km/h has twice the chance of surviving the collision than if the car was travelling 50 km/h. Travelling at speeds higher than 40 km/h greatly increases the risk of injury and death to pedestrians.
Why is Council lowering the speed limit?
A reduced speed limit has the potential to:
- save lives;
- prevent or reduce the number and severity of accidents;
- improve pedestrians safety; and
- maintain the existing road environment (no need for road humps and other traffic calming devices).
Will lower speeds mean delays when driving?
Council installed traffic counters between April 2024 and June 2024 which revealed that vehicles travelling down this section of Maitland Street on average travel at 37km/h.
There would be minimal impact of lower vehicle speeds on travel times. Travel time is more likely to be increased by stopping at intersections, congestion, short street lengths and on-street parking. Further, extensive delays are more likely to be incurred by drivers having to stop for an accident.
What happens next?
All comments and suggestions will be taken into consideration and will contribute to the final preferred design option.
Meetings are typically held every two months and published on the Council’s website. The agenda contains projects that, following community consultation, are progressed to the Traffic Committee for consideration and Council for a final decision.
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Contact Details
If you have any further questions about the proposed project, please contact Manager Projects and Engineering, by email or via phone on 02 6799 6866 during business hours.
Please take a minute to tell us what you think of the proposal to introduce a new 40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area (HPAA) along part of Maitland Street, Narrabri.
All submissions will be included in a publicly available report to Council; however, these will not include any personal information.