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Narrabri Shire's future: be part of shaping our future

Our Narrabri Shire 2035

Privacy Statement

Your personal information is being collected by Narrabri Shire Council (46-48 Maitland Street Narrabri) in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) for the purpose of developing the Community Strategic Plan - Our Narrabri Shire 2035. The supply of this information is voluntary; you are not legally required to provide your personal information, however if you do not supply all the information requested below Council may not be able to notify you of upcoming events and opportunities in your area or be able to obtain further information about your submission. Your personal information may be used or disclosed to help prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to life or health, or where Council is otherwise authorised or required to do so by law. If you wish to obtain a copy of Council’s Privacy Management Policy, please contact Council on (02) 6799 6866 or

Share your vision for the future of Narrabri Shire 

As Narrabri Shire grows, community input ensures Council makes decisions that reflect our present needs and future aspirations.

The Community Strategic Plan is more than a document – it is a collective vision for a vibrant, inclusive Shire.

Your voice shapes it’s direction, guiding our operational priorities and fostering sustainable growth that reflects community needs. So what kind of Narrabri Shire do you want for the future?

The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete.

Select option

Select option

Select option

Select option


Do you identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander?

* required
Select option

Select option

Select option

A declining population
A sustainable road network
Access to meaningful employment
Attracting more visitors to the Shire
Increasing foot traffic in our town centres
Regular, reliable air service to Sydney
Regular, reliable air service to Brisbane
Reliable internet service across the Shire
Support for local businesses

Maximum 255 characters


Increasing energy costs
Keeping the heritage and character of local area
Maintenance of public spaces, places and facilities
Preparedness for flood and drought
Protecting our environnment from noxious weeds
Protecting our prime agricultural land
Management of our utility assets
Threat of extractive industries
Threats to our water supplies

Maximum 255 characters


Access to education
Access to health services
An ageing population
Access to daycare, after school care, vacation care
Crime prevention
Declining volunteerism
Access to cultural activities
Inclusiveness of the Shire
Access to recreation activities and facilities
Liveability of the Shire
Cultural recognition, awareness and celebration
Access to community messages in a central place
Community involement
Effectiveness of Council lobbying activities
Identifying our services, service levels and affordability
Financial sustainability
Responsiveness of Council
Transparency of Council decision-making
Collaboration with stakeholders and the community
Management of Council assets eg roads, parks, halls etc

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


I feel safe in my community and have access to health, social and community services I need
I feel like I belong and my community respects my heritage and culture
I love living in Narrabri Shire and feel part of a community where there are opportunities for involvement in arts, culture, sports, recreation and life-long learning
I value my Shire's natural environment and the richness of our soil
I have reliable services that allow me to make day-to-day choices that support the environment and live in a clean, healthy environment
My Shire has places and spaces that are desirable places to be

Tell us what is important to you? (Select up to five)

* required
Select option


What industry is your business/organisation involved in?


How many people does your business/organisation employ in the Narrabri Shire?


What type of employment do you mostly offer to people moving to the Narrabri Shire?

More investment in marketing the Narrabri Shire community and lifestyle to potential workers from outside the local area.
More investment in marketing Narrabri Shire job opportunities to potential workers.
Additional support services for people relocating to Narrabri Shire (e.g. advice or financial support).
A welcome service to help people and their families settle into the community and meet new people.
Programs to provide easier access to temporary or permanent local housing.
Training and employment programs to help new workers or their families upskill.
I am connected to my community and beyond.
I am proud of Narrabri Shire and welcome friends, family and visitors to our area
I live in a place that has a strong and sustainable economy
I have confidence that Council is an organisation that demonstrates best practice governance and embraces workplace excellence.
I see Council actively representing the community's aspirations and speaking out for the good of our community and Narrabri Shire.
I have opportunities to participate in and contribute my opinion to local decision-making and communication with Council .

What words do you think capture the vision for the Shire?

* required